Your Customer, Your Insights, Bringing it all Together.
June 16, 2021
Online Workshop via Zoom
10:00am - 12:00am
Businesses, especially small and micro businesses are now recovering from the lockdown of the past 16 months. Some won’t be successful in regaining their market and customer base.
In this #DoDigital webinar, information analytics experts will propose strategies to identify new opportunities with existing customers and to find new customers for their products and services.
We will provide you with ideas, techniques and processes to revolutionise your relationship with your current and future customers.
It may be daunting to businesses today, but recovery from the pandemic will depend on deeply understanding your market, your customers and their clients.
From capturing and cleverly analysing truly massive amounts of data, the information and knowledge you glean can lead to wisdom and insight and ensure your business grows.
This is a very wide subject for discussion and necessarily we will be taking a high level approach to our talk and even if you’re a sole trader using a rolodex or a book or a spreadsheet or a cloud CRM customer relationship management system you will appreciate the potential to gain insight to your situation.
Stephen Silk – Owner of Design Analytics Ltd.
Stephen is a Business app developer delivering improved efficiency to his clients, reducing waste & automating processes with mobile technology.