FREE - Workshop - HR - Counting the Cost of Absence - BURNTWOOD
February 20, 2020
Chasetown FC, The Scholars Ground, Church St, Burntwood, WS7 3QL
9:30am - 1:00pm
Calculating the Cost of Absence
How would you rate the level of absence in your business? Do you fully understand the cost of absence in your business? Do your employees understand the impact their absence may have on the success of your business? Want to find a few tools and techniques to help reduce absence levels whilst ensuring your employees are supported and fit to be in work?
Join us for a workshop led by the experts on how face into difficult conversations, address high levels of absence, support those that need it and assist employees back into the workplace. The workshop is designed to build on your current knowledge and confidence when discussing absence with your teams:
- Calculating percentage absences to compare with the external market
- Trigger points including Bradford Factor
- Statutory vs Contractual payments
- Repeated absences
- Return to work discussions
- Underlying medical conditions
- Long term sickness
- Occupational Health
- Paperwork
- Sickness and part time work
- Sickness and maternity
- Sickness and holidays
- Reducing sickness absence in the workplace
- Time off with Dependents