#GEARINGFORGROWTH2022: Advanced BID Writing Workshop - CPD Accredited
March 1, 2022
Online via Zoom
9:30am - 12:30pm
Advanced Bid Writing introduces businesses to the practices and principles required to respond to public sector bid and tender opportunities. Providing an overview of where to locate opportunities, the workshop then focuses on the steps companies need to take to maximise the quality and effectiveness of their responses to meet and exceed the bid criteria.
Topics covered:
- Sourcing appropriate bids & tenders
- Understand the bid and tender process
- Strategies for responding to bids and tenders
- Structuring a bid response
- How to write compelling bids and tenders
- What does an evaluator look for
9.30 Welcome & Introductions
9.40 Sourcing Bids & Tenders
10.00 The Bid Process
10.30 Structuring a bid response
11.30 How to write compelling bids and tenders
12.10 Top Tips
12.25 Summary & Close