Market Research & Selection Masterclass
November 27, 2020
Online Webinar
9:30am - 1:30pm
Market Research & Selection Masterclass
Market research is the first and one of the most vital steps for any organisation whether they are entering a new overseas market or developing existing markets. You will consider different approaches and research techniques and start to develop a research plan for your own business. Areas that will be covered include:
- An objective, easy-to-use model for choosing or prioritising the best target export markets
- Understanding what information, you need to help you make vital business decisions
- Practical approaches to conducting or commissioning research
- Sources of desk research and how to use the internet effectively – we will help you to find freely available market research which can help you assess potential markets and opportunities and develop your strategy
- The benefits of taking your research further, including talking to people in the market to gain a real understanding of how the market works
- Understanding how to interpret research findings to maximise your export potential
If you are unable to attend this Masterclass on 27/11/2020 there are more dates listed below:
08 December 2020 – 09:30-13:30
26 January 2021 – 09:30-13:30
09 February 2021 – 09:30-13:30