Resilience Training
March 25, 2024
Commerce House, Festival Park, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BE
10:00am - 12:30pm
The Growth Hub is working in partnership with Rebel Leaders to deliver the Resilience Training Workshop, a 2-hour session taking place at Commerce House in Stoke-on-Trent.
Running and leading a business is not without challenges: the workshop will involve providing tools to manage the impact of challenges regarding health, business and decision-making.
The event is being hosted by Rachel Till, of Rebel Leaders.
Rachel says: “I am a qualified coach (ACC) with a 20-year career as a consultant and leader in communications, marketing and public relations. That means I’ve spent 20 years helping all kinds of people – from solo start-ups to CEOs employing hundreds – to build reputations, engage their communities, shape messages, communicate difficult news, challenge thinking, change perceptions, persuade to take action… and much more.
“Of all the work I have done with clients, I love shaping their story – of themselves and their impact and seeing them gain recognition and reward through that. Whether that’s through interviews and press releases, writing and submitting awards, or as a coach, helping them change their internal story of who they are and what they can achieve and then convey their story confidently to themselves and others in a variety of ways that feel best to them.”