Session 5 - Social Media & CRM: Using Social Media Channels To Drive Leads Into Sales
July 7, 2021
Online Webinar
10:00am - 11:30am
Future Proof Your Business in the Digital Age
Session 5 – Social Media & CRM:
Using Social Media Channels To Drive Leads Into Sales
Especially in Today’s world, Digital Marketing is at the forefront of any businesses growth. There isn’t a business that doesn’t want more leads or want to rank high on Page 1 of Google, above their competitors, for all the search terms that will drive sales.
As part of our #DoDigital Series, we are delighted to announce our collaboration with NatWest Bank & Luv4 Marketing, who will be delivering a series of Marketing events that will act as a marketing roadmap to help your business thrive in 2021. On the back of last years successful event series nationally, Luv4 Marketing are proud to deliver its signature programme ‘The Marketing Masterclass’.
Using Social Media in your business is essential but just as important is working the opportunities.
In this fifth session you will learn what each opportunity is and plan how you will maximize each one through to conversion.
We also cover how to create a sales funnel using a CRM system to nurture online leads through a sales pipeline to conversion and how to effectively use Social Media for lead generation in your business.