Session 6 – How To Build The Turn Key Marketing Solution: Taking Your Business To The Next Level
July 22, 2021
Online Webinar
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Future Proof Your Business in the Digital Age
Session 6 – How To Build The Turn Key Marketing Solution:
Taking Your Business To The Next Level
Especially in Today’s world, Digital Marketing is at the forefront of any businesses growth. There isn’t a business that doesn’t want more leads or want to rank high on Page 1 of Google, above their competitors, for all the search terms that will drive sales.
As part of our #DoDigital Series, we are delighted to announce our collaboration with NatWest Bank & Luv4 Marketing, who will be delivering a series of Marketing events that will act as a marketing roadmap to help your business thrive in 2021. On the back of last years successful event series nationally, Luv4 Marketing are proud to deliver its signature programme ‘The Marketing Masterclass’.
The final session is all about bringing your learnings together to formulate the ultimate plan for your business. Throughout the sessions you will have identified key areas that need urgent attention, so you will now be able to create a plan that you can work towards in the next 90 days and beyond.
The 90 Day Plan is more comprehensive than the initial ‘Game Plan’ you started with in the first session. As you went through the different stages you are now more aware as to where you must focus your attention and what is holding you back from maximising your online marketing profits.
In this session you will create your own personalised 90-day business plan for you and your team to action. This 90-plan will then be reviewed in another 90-days where you will update and amend y our plan, to focus on new areas for improvements.