The Big Switch Off: Changes to the UK Telephone Network
August 10, 2021
Online Workshop via Zoom
2:00pm - 12:00am
Start Time: 14:00
Change is inevitable, but join us on this webinar to help you understand how to best prepare, adapt and overcome
Join us for our second to last webinar of our current #DoDigital series where Gary Kelly, Inter-County Communications Account Manager and Matt Peplow, BT Data and Voice Specialist, will delve into how the transformation from standard telephone lines to a network based on IP systems will effect you and your business.
From now until 2025, BT is entering into a program of transformation that will impact on every business. In conjunction with UK Government, the UK Network providers and regulators will be removing standard telephone lines from service. Businesses using traditional lines will have to switch to a network based on IP; in practice this means ‘Dial Tone’ is being removed from the network.
The impact of the change will affect the majority of businesses and mean a rethink of every service currently using a traditional line. For example;
- Telephone equipment
- Payment machines
- Alarm lines
- Fax machines
- Emergency lines – Lifts, Personal Safety systems, Monitoring equipment
The reality of the change is sometimes easy to miss so to cut through some of the detail and summarise what this means to you, we have asked Chamber member Inter-county Communications, to explain what to expect and how you can protect your business from getting left behind.
There will be a Q&A session at the end for any further queries you may have also.