South Staffordshire - UKSPF Residual Fund
July 24, 2023
South Staffordshire Council has launched the UKSPF Residual Fund and is seeking expressions of interest from eligible organisations
- £780k capital and £420k revenue funding is available to deliver projects and schemes that support people and businesses in the district to thrive and grow.
Who is eligible to apply?
Eligible organisations can be either partnerships or individual organisations and can include voluntary, community, public and private sector organisations.
Projects must be delivered by a legally constituted organisation that can receive public funds and the expression of interest can cover more than one investment priority or programme.
What can the fund be used for
All schemes and projects should take account of the fund’s objectives, investment priorities, and interventions, focusing on the specific outputs and outcomes required for South Staffordshire.
Ideas of what could be considered are provided below.
However, these examples are not exhaustive – please email any imaginative ideas you may have, with a contact number, to UKSPF@sstaffs.gov.uk
Communities and Place
Delivery of adult day care sessions to support the local community, plus creation of both voluntary and paid positions.
Charity-led schemes: Property adaptation and delivery of adult day care sessions to support the local community, including the creation of both voluntary and paid positions.
County park project, secure parking, EV points, cycle sheds, play equipment and café – creating open spaces for local use with employment
Renewable training scheme, equipment for student and apprenticeship skills attainment.
Supporting Local Business
Medium-sized business extension, additional investment to increase useable sustainable floorspace for sales and new employees
People and Skills
Activities such as enrichment and volunteering to improve opportunities and promote wellbeing.
When does the fund end
The residual fund will need to be spent by March 2025.
All projects must be completed by December 31st, 2024, to enable all reporting and project spend to be finalised by March 31st, 2025.
Due to timescales please ensure planning permission is in place or applied for immediately.
Learn more: www.sstaffs.gov.uk/uk-shared-prosperity-funding/ukspf-residual-fund