Do you have a positive Covid-19 business story to tell that might help others?

July 1, 2020

Coronavirus is the economic shock that business didn’t see coming, and while it’s been difficult for the whole economy, many Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent businesses have grabbed the opportunities that the pandemic has brought, helped communities and other businesses to adapt and embrace the digital world, and even been on the front-line of medical support and exploration. Many have survived thanks to business support services, and some have even thrived.  There are some great untold stories that need telling, both of how getting the right support at the right time has really helped and of business people making a difference both personally and through their business.

Working together, the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Enterprise Partnership and the Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce are developing a showcase of business through written and video case studies that will be seen by customers, stakeholders and other businesses alike throughout the year  – helping others to see the benefit of using the range of business support that is available and also how they could adapt to ‘the new normal.’



So, do you have a story to tell?   Has getting the right support at the right time made a difference? Have you helped the community or other businesses through the crisis?  Is your business in one of the ‘critical/key worker’ sectors and can tell us your experience of the crisis through your work?  How have you adapted?

If you have a story to tell and want the free PR that it will bring, get in touch with brief details before close of play on Monday 6th July. The LEP will be back in touch asap.

Please share:

  • Your name, role and company
  • Company activity (which may have changed recently because of Covid-19)
  • Where you’re based
  • A brief summary of your story – what have you done? Why? What impact has this made?
  • What business support did you  get and how has this helped?
  • Contact email address and phone number

Send your entries to >


Call the Business Helpline to find out how we can help your business. Call 0300 111 8002.