The most suitable finance option for your business depends on many things, including:

  • how much funding you need
  • your current business revenue or if you’re a new business
  • whether or not you’re willing to offer personal assets as security – this can make it easier to get funding but is risky if you’re not able to maintain payments
  • whether or not you own a business property – this can make it easier to get funding
  • whether or not you’re willing to sell shares

In this guide, we have compiled a range of useful local, regional and national funding and finance schemes.

In addition, our team is on hand and can support you with any queries through our dedicated Staffordshire Business Helpline – 0300 111 8002.

Local Funding and Finance Schemes

Stoke-on-Trent Powering Up Inward Investment

Available to Stoke-on-Trent businesses: The programme, Stoke-on-Trent Powering Up Inward Investment, is an exciting initiative aimed to propel the city’s economic growth by attracting new businesses and new jobs into the area. Grant funding between £10,000 and £50,000 for businesses in Advanced Manufacturing, Digital, Life Sciences and Energy sectors can apply with priority given to …

Green Solutions Programme

Is your business looking for support on how to reduce your costs and become greener? Green Solutions in affiliation with the Business Energy Advice Service is a programme that offers support to businesses in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You can access support from any of these: Carbon Literacy Training. This …

Tourism Development Grants

Are you a tourism business, or organisation linked to the tourism sector in East Staffordshire? Do you have a great new idea or event that you’d love to do but need some financial help to do it? East Staffordshire Borough Council is offering grants to businesses and organisations to support new projects, developments, services or …

Stoke-on-Trent Fly High Start-Up & Enterprise Grants

The Fly High Start-Up & Enterprise project is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and offers a number of solutions to help potential entrepreneurs and businesses to start-up, grow, and deliver economic investment in the city. The grants are open to Stoke-on-Trent residents wishing to start up a new business or start-up businesses …

South Staffordshire – Rural England Prosperity Fund

South Staffordshire Council has launched the Rural England Prosperity Fund offering capital funding towards community projects, small business growth or farm diversification. Funding is for new, small registered organisations and businesses with a postcode or a project site in a South Staffordshire rural area. Community/voluntary organisations may apply for a value of £2,000 up to £70,000 or …

Visit Stoke-on-Trent: A City of Imagination programme

Stoke-on-Trent City Council has received £373,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver a visitor economy programme Visit Stoke-on-Trent: A City of Imagination. In line with the Visitor Economy Strategy, the UKSPF funded programme will support: delivering a small grants scheme* (up to £10k, revenue only) to revive the area’s …

South Staffordshire – UKSPF Residual Fund

South Staffordshire Council has launched the UKSPF Residual Fund and is seeking expressions of interest from eligible organisations £780k capital and £420k revenue funding is available to deliver projects and schemes that support people and businesses in the district to thrive and grow. Who is eligible to apply? Eligible organisations can be either partnerships or …

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Business Loan Fund

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent businesses that have been turned down by other lenders can now apply to the Stoke-on-Trent Business Loan Fund, supporting businesses to grow through affordable, unsecured loans from £10,000 to £50,000 BCRS Business Loans work in partnership with Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council to deliver the Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Business Loan …

Michelin Development Fund

Small and medium-sized enterprises located in and around Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stoke-on-Trent and the Staffordshire Moorlands can apply for unsecured loans from £5,000 through Michelin’s associate bank at a subsidised interest rate (Repayment period of three to five years). A Michelin Development loan can be used for a whole range of projects which are linked to the …

Community Foundation for Staffordshire

The Community Foundation for Staffordshire administers many different grants schemes from various funders. These schemes are usually open all year, but tend to run in rounds, and so please make sure you check the individual cut off dates on each scheme. Learn more:

Support Staffordshire – communities and individuals

Support Staffordshire is a fully inclusive and democratic membership organisation for the entire local VCSE sector supporting communities, individuals, and organisations to work together to bring about positive change. Their online tool provides free access to a list of funding opportunities for the sector which can be filtered by location within the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire …

Regional and National Funding & Finance schemes

Employer Support Fund for T Level industry placements

In February 2023, the Government announced the roll-out of a £12m support fund providing financial assistance to employers offering high quality T Level Industry Placements. Industry Placements are a core part of the T Level qualification which was developed in partnership with leading businesses and education providers to ensure that students build the technical knowledge …

UK Games Fund – Content Fund

DCMS has announced an additional £5 million for the UK Games Fund as part of the Creative Industries Sector Vision – a joint plan between Government and industry to drive growth, build talent and develop skills across the creative sectors. This new funding will offer £50,000 – £150,000 commercial games-for-entertainment content grants. Learn more and …

Made Smarter

Manufacturing or engineering SMEs in the West Midlands can benefit from Made Smarter and get help to transform their business through new digital technology. The programme includes: Specialist advice and support to develop an action plan for adopting digital technology in your own detailed roadmap. Up to 50% match funding (Maximum of £20,000) available for …

Midlands Engine Investment Fund

The Fund offers four different funding options to help your business grow, ranging from small business loans to fund start-ups, to later-stage equity investment that allows established businesses to continue growing. Funds available: Small Business Loans: £25k -£150k Debt Finance: £100k – £1.5mil Equity Finance: £50k – £2mil Proof of Concept: Up to £750,000 Learn …

Innovate UK – Innovation Hub

Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency and committed to supporting the innovation journey for UK businesses to start up and grow. We are practical and responsive. The Innovation Hub is a practical way to respond to the need to provide innovators with better and faster access to public support across the innovation landscape on …

Intellectual Property Audit Grants

In conjunction with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), Innovate UK Edge are offering IP Audit grants of up to £2,500, with a contribution of £500 from you, to subsidise an IP audit carried out by an IP professional of your choice. Why you should focus on intellectual property Security: well-managed IP can protect your business …

Arts Council England Funding

Arts Council England invests public money from the Government and the National Lottery to champion and develop art and culture across the country. Throughout the year they have several open funds available and are looking for organisations, artists, events, initiatives and others to apply for our funding and help them achieve their strategy Learn more: …

British Business Bank Start-Up Loan

The programme offers loans (from £500 to £25,000, at 6% interest) alongside free mentoring and support to individuals who are starting a new business or who have been trading for less than three years. Learn more:

Funding for farming in protected landscapes

The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme is open to all farmers and land managers within an AONB or National Park in England, or the Broads. This includes farmers and land managers from the public, private and charity sector. The programme is also open to farmers and land managers on land outside of protected landscapes. The programme will …

Workplace Charging Scheme

This is a voucher-based scheme that provides eligible businesses, charities and public sector organisations with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle (EV) charge points. The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs capped at a maximum of £350 per socket 40 sockets across all sites per …

Funding for farmers, growers and land managers

Through the link below you can access the Government’s dedicated page which tells you about grants and other funding currently open or opening soon. You may be able to apply for one or more of the available grants and funding schemes if you or your land are eligible. The guidance for each scheme will explain …

For more funding and finance schemes available in the UK, access the Government’s business finance and support finder. To find and apply for Government grants, you can also access the new Find a Grant service.

For the latest finance and funding schemes available, sign up to our weekly newsletter.